Drug Rehab in Pennsylvania

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Elizabeth Drew, MD
Last Updated: February 22, 2025

Substance and alcohol use disorders are not easy to live with. Seeking drug rehab in Pennsylvania is the first step toward freedom. Peace Valley Recovery offers individualized treatment for those looking to overcome their drug or alcohol addiction.

Drug and alcohol rehab is a term that encompasses a variety of kinds of addiction treatment. Between the many choices you have, there is a type of drug rehab in Pennsylvania that can help you. It doesn’t matter what your story is. Whether this is your first time seeking treatment or you’ve tried to quit before, our team can work with you.

Start Your Recovery at Peace Valley Recovery

How to Find a Rehab Program in New York
  • Therapy: group & individual therapy
  • Aftercare Plan: comprehensive individualized program
  • Insurance: most major insurances accepted
  • Housing: safe sober living environment

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Our compassionate staff at Peace Valley Recovery is here to help you every step of the way. There is no need to approach your stay at addiction treatment alone. We are here to support you, from those first questions you have to the day you finish your program.

Are you looking to learn more about drug rehab in Pennsylvania? Do you have questions about the different types of treatment programs offered? Continue reading to get a better understanding of the variety of addiction treatment options available to you and what they can do.

Caring Rehab for Drug Addiction

How Drug Rehab in Pennsylvania Can Help

You aren’t alone if you’re nervous to ask for help. Many people try to work out their recovery on their own. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some are embarrassed to admit their struggles with addiction. Many are concerned about the consequences if they tell anyone about their drug use.

The stigma that surrounds alcohol and drug addiction might make it difficult to ask for help, but doing so can change your life. You shouldn’t feel like you have to handle your addiction alone. Seeking help from top-rated drug rehab in Pennsylvania offers many benefits including:

  • Professional support from experienced clinical staff. Treatment teams understand how the cycle of addiction works.
  • A secure and serene setting. You can honestly share your struggles with professional counselors and peers in confidence. There is no fear of judgment or reprisal.
  • An individualized, structured plan of action that bolsters your chances of success. You’ll receive the space and support to build the foundation needed for long-term recovery.
  • Medical support to manage withdrawal symptoms or other issues related to drug use or stopping drug use if necessary
  • Specialized assistance in working with and through any potential coexisting diagnoses (ex. depression or anxiety). Referrals out for further treatment if necessary.

Are you still concerned about the impact on your family or employment if you seek treatment? If you’re worried about what your family or employer might think, think about this. Remaining in the addiction cycle makes you much more likely to continue engaging in harmful behaviors. These actions can leave a lasting impact on your relationships, career, and more.

On the other hand, asking for help will equip you with the tools and skills necessary to achieve and maintain long-term sobriety. It isn’t always easy to admit when you need assistance. When you do, though, it’s the first step toward a brand new life for you. You’ll finally start to find freedom from the chains of alcohol and drug addiction.

A Growing Need for Drug Rehab in Pennsylvania

Substance abuse and addiction is a growing problem among adolescents and adults in the United States. 8.1 million Americans ages 12 and older reported having a substance use disorder in 2018. Drug overdoses claimed the lives of 67,367 people in the same year. The need for drug rehab shows no sign of slowing down.

The country’s alarming rates of substance abuse are also reflected in Pennsylvania. More than 293,000 people throughout the state struggle with an illicit drug use disorder. Overdose rates in Pennsylvania are no better either. Drug overdoses claimed the lives of 4,415 people in 2018. This put the state as the third-highest in the country for deaths due to overdose.

Thousands of people in Pennsylvania need the help of a drug rehabilitation program. Are you concerned about yourself or someone you love? Understanding the different types of addiction treatment will give you an idea of where you can find help. What types of programs drug rehab programs are available?

Drug Rehab in Pennsylvania

Understanding Pennsylvania Drug Rehab

Effective addiction treatment does not use a one-size-fits-all approach. Each person has a unique experience that brought them to where they are today. Treatment wouldn’t be as helpful if everyone received the same program plan.

There are different levels of addiction treatment based on each individual’s needs. Some people need an intensive residential program. The structure is essential during their first few months clean and sober. Others benefit from a more hands-off approach. They thrive with the freedom to maintain their daily responsibilities alongside treatment. These levels include:

  • Medically-Supervised Detox
  • Inpatient Rehab
  • Partial Hospitalization Programs
  • Intensive Outpatient Programs

Whatever your needs may be, there is a program offering the level of care that will most benefit you. Are you aware of the different types of drug rehab in Pennsylvania? Continue reading to learn more about the variety of programs available to help you.

Medically-Supervised Detox

A person’s body develops a dependence on alcohol or drugs after drinking or using drugs heavily for months to years. When these individuals stop drinking and using, they experience physical and psychological reactions. These reactions are called withdrawal symptoms. They can range from mildly uncomfortable to life-threatening.

Detox, short for detoxification, is the first step of drug rehab in Pennsylvania. This first phase is for individuals at risk of experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Medically-supervised detox facilities provide safe conditions to separate people from drugs and alcohol.

Medical professionals monitor each patient to keep them safe while substances leave their system. Facilities also use medications to relieve or eliminate the discomfort from withdrawal symptoms.

Detox programs aim to remove all drugs and alcohol from the person’s system as safely and comfortably as possible. A typical detox process takes anywhere from 5 to 10 days depending on the types and amounts of drugs used. Once a person finishes detox, they move into the next phase of addiction treatment.

Not all programs for drug rehab in Pennsylvania provide detox services. Those that don’t often work with nearby facilities to provide clients with a safe detox. After their detox is complete, they transfer to our facility for the next steps of their program.

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab is one of the three main types of drug rehab in Pennsylvania that follow a medically-supervised detox. Inpatient rehab facilities provide both clinical programs and residential services on site. These types of treatment programs typically take place over 30, 60, or 90 days.

These are intensive programs for people who struggle with drug and alcohol addiction and cannot stay clean and sober on their own. Inpatient rehab programs supervise clients around the clock. Help is available both during clinical hours and after programming is finished for the day. This regular monitoring helps prevent relapse for clients early on in their recovery.

Inpatient rehab services include things like:

  • 24-hour supervision from clinical staff
  • Initial and ongoing evaluation of each client and their response to treatment
  • Weekly meetings with a case manager
  • Daily structured programming including a variety of therapy approaches
  • Individual and group therapy
  • Alternative therapeutic methods, such as animal-assisted therapy or yoga therapy
  • Community meetings and activities

Inpatient rehab is typically structured in a level system. Facilities provide clients with more privileges as they progress through the program. The intensive nature of these programs makes them an effective option for addiction treatment. Regular supervision, structure, and onsite living leave little time for clients to slip.

Partial Hospitalization Programs

Partial hospitalization programs, referred to as PHPs for short, are another option after detox. PHPs are similar to inpatient rehab but the facility does not provide onsite residential amenities. Still, some partial hospitalization programs work with nearby sober living homes. They offer a comprehensive treatment program to those who are interested.

The name PHP calls back to the times when many treatment programs took place in hospitals. Those who needed more intensive care were part of an inpatient program. Someone who requires less intensive care can they could opt for a PHP instead so they can leave at the end of the day.

Because of this, PHPs offer much of the same programming that inpatient rehab programs do. Most programs meet Monday through Friday, just like inpatient rehab. They operate a similar full schedule. Each day is complete with various therapeutic approaches and support groups.

Clients still meet with a case manager every week. They receive individual and group therapy. They also learn the same skills as clients who attend inpatient. Those who don’t need an overnight component may find what they need from a PHP.

Intensive Outpatient Programs

Intensive outpatient programs, or IOPs, are another one of the main options for drug rehab in Pennsylvania. They offer similar addiction treatment services but with fewer weekly program hours. While most inpatient rehabs and PHPs provide programming 5 days per week, IOPs typically meet 3 days.

Like PHPs, IOPs do not offer onsite residential services. Some programs work with nearby sober living facilities in place of onsite living. This provides a solution for various individuals. It provides housing for people from out of town. They’re also good for people who want space from their normal environment during early recovery.

Some opt for an IOP as their first stop but they tend to function as a helpful transition from higher levels of care. For example, as someone progresses through inpatient rehab or PHP, they likely shift down into an IOP at some point. They still receive support throughout the week but can start adjusting to less structure during their day.

People who choose an IOP usually need to maintain their daily responsibilities while they attend treatment. IOPs allow for a balance between addiction treatment programming and everyday life. People who can maintain sobriety despite fewer supervised hours will benefit from these programs.

Sober Living Homes

Unlike the levels of addiction treatment above, sober living homes are not a form of rehab. They don’t provide therapy or other forms of treatment you receive as part of an addiction treatment program. Instead, sober living homes are houses that offer an affordable place to live in a sober environment for people who are new in recovery.

Sober living homes are the perfect complement to a partial hospitalization program or intensive outpatient program. You attend your program during the day then return to your sober living residence in the evening. It provides a safe transition phase between more intensive levels of treatment and returning home to your normal environment.

These homes often provide rooms at a lower rate. They give you the chance to get back on your feet during your first few weeks and months. Another benefit of sober living homes is the built-in recovery community. You’re placed in the middle of a group of peers with the same primary goal as you have. Everyone is trying to learn to live alcohol- and drug-free, one day at a time.

Partial Hospitalization Programs

Which Substance Addictions Does Drug Rehab Treat?

Drug rehab in Pennsylvania is available to anyone who wants to stop using drugs of any kind. It doesn’t matter whether you use one or multiple substances, whether you’ve used them for a few months or a few decades. When you’re ready to get clean, rehab is here to help. Which types of substance addictions does drug rehab in Pennsylvania treat?


Opioids are both the most commonly used and the most fatal illicit drug in Pennsylvania. This class of drug includes numerous substances made for pain relief. These drugs are either made from the opium poppy plant directly or synthesized in a lab to model similar properties to the plant-based drugs. The following are three of the most common types of opioid drugs.

Prescription Painkillers
Prescription painkillers see the most use of any illicit drug. Many people who misuse these drugs are not people you would expect to have a problem. Use often starts with a legitimate prescription that ends up progressing over time. 404,000 people in Pennsylvania reported misusing their prescription painkillers in 2018.

Heroin use is less common but just as fatal as other drugs in the opioid class. Inconsistent manufacturing practices make heroin one of the most dangerous and unpredictable drugs. About 64,000 people ages 12 and older used the drug at least once during the past year.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is 50 to 100 times more potent than heroin. Even the smallest amount can be fatal to someone not used to this powerful drug. Legitimate fentanyl is used to relieve severe, chronic pain when other painkillers aren’t effective. Fentanyl found on the streets is often illicitly manufactured and cut with fillers to increase profits.


Benzodiazepines are another type of prescription drug often used recreationally. People enjoy their calming, euphoric effects. This class of drugs includes medications like Xanax, Klonopin, Librium, Valium, and Ativan. They interact with the central nervous system and lead to intense withdrawals if you heavily abuse them.


Cocaine is the second most commonly-abused drug throughout the United States. More than 231,000 people reported using cocaine at least once during 2018. People become addicted to the incredible but short-lived surges of energy that the popular party drug provides. Though it doesn’t cause withdrawal symptoms as severe as drugs like heroin, cocaine rehab is still helpful for thousands of addicts.


Methamphetamine doesn’t see as much use as other drugs like painkillers, heroin, or cocaine. The effects of both short- and long-term methamphetamine use can be just as harmful, though. Meth abuse leads to physical and psychological problems when left untreated. An estimated 57,000 misused methamphetamine at some point in the past year.

How to Pay for Drug Rehab in Pennsylvania

One of the biggest concerns people have when seeking addiction treatment is figuring out how to pay for drug rehab. It seems like an impossible barrier to entry and keeps some from ever asking for help. Peace Valley Recovery understands the difficulties that money can lead to, but we hope no one avoids calling us due to the fear of treatment’s financial impact.

There are plenty of options for those who need the assistance of drug rehab in Pennsylvania. Our admissions staff at Peace Valley Recovery will help you understand all of the possibilities available to you. For example, we can help you find out:

  • Whether your insurance can cover your addiction treatment
  • How much your insurance policy is likely to pay for your treatment
  • The types of payment arrangements available to you to cover your portion of costs

Financial fear shouldn’t keep anyone from seeking the help they may need. We want everyone to have access to the life-saving benefits of quality addiction treatment. Feel free to call and speak with a member of our staff who will answer any questions you might have.

If you aren’t ready to call yet, you can complete our online insurance verification form. We will do some research first and then reach out once we have a better understanding of the coverage your policy offers.

Have questions? We’re here to help.

Our caring and compassionate staff is available to answer any questions you may have.
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Different Addiction Treatments in Pennsylvania

Finding the Best Pennsylvania Drug Rehab

Peace Valley Recovery is Here to Help. We work with adults who are dealing with a variety of drug addiction issues. Whether alcohol or prescription drugs or heroin, we are here. Our team works with you to establish an individualized recovery plan. Your plan is tailored to your particular situation.

You have options available to you, from an intensive approach to one that allows for more freedom. When you arrive at Peace Valley Recovery, we start by talking with you about your unique situation. We want to gain an understanding of what your goals are for treatment and find out how we can help you achieve them. Our drug rehab in Pennsylvania is equipped to fit a wide range of needs, whatever they may be.

Once we have a picture of your experience and goals, we recommend a service or approach that meets your requirements. Peace Valley Recovery provides numerous approaches to drug rehab in Pennsylvania. These include outpatient services in place of or as a follow-up to an inpatient rehab program.

We understand that drug and alcohol addiction is a uniquely debilitating condition. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been through a program before. You deserve compassion and support on your journey. Call (215) 780-1953 today to speak with our admissions staff and learn more about the programs available to you.

Conversations with us are always confidential. You’ll get the opportunity to talk to a member of our experienced, understanding staff ready to listen to your story. They’ll provide you with information and resources, and answer any questions you might have. Reach out and make the call and take the next step toward your recovery today!

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