How To Pay For Rehab

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Peace Valley Recovery is located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Our mission is to provide patient-centered care that focuses on healing and recovery from addiction. This blog provides information, news, and uplifting content to help people in their recovery journey.

Authored by Elliott Redwine, | Medically Reviewed by Peace Valley Recovery Editorial Staff,
Last Updated: February 13, 2025

If someone needs to go to addiction treatment, the first concern is usually how to pay for drug rehab. Some people believe that treatment isn’t a financially accessible option for them. Costs that come with rehab often deter people from seeking the help they need.

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, an estimated 21.2 million people needed treatment for substance abuse in 2018. Only 11 percent of those individuals, or 2.4 million people, received specialized addiction treatment at a facility. 32.5 percent of those who didn’t receive treatment reported it was due to an inability to afford it.

There are many different options for drug and alcohol rehab that provide services to those trying to get clean and sober, though. The cost of addiction treatment ranges depending on numerous factors such as the types of services needed or the location of the facility.

Figuring out how to pay for rehab can be worrisome but it shouldn’t keep you from seeking treatment. If you’re truly ready to stop using drugs and alcohol there are ways you can get the help you need. Continue reading to find out a few ways to cover the cost of addiction treatment.

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The Ranging Costs of Drug Rehab

Pricing for drug rehab varies on a few main factors:

  • Type of treatment needed
  • Length of the treatment program
  • Location of the facility

Some require higher levels of care than others do. For example, someone who is addicted to prescription painkillers or heroin usually starts with a medical detox and then transitions to inpatient treatment. But someone who wants to stop their heavy but infrequent drinking episodes may only require the aid of an intensive outpatient program.

The longer and more intensive the treatment program, the more that treatment program costs. Rehab costs more for the individual who needs both medical detox and inpatient treatment than it does for the individual in outpatient treatment.

The Ranging Costs of Drug Rehab

If you’re looking to go to treatment out of state, the cost of the facility might be similar to a nearby option but the cost travel and accommodations add up. Additionally, facilities in areas with a higher cost of living also come at a higher price.

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Using Insurance to Pay for Rehab

Insurance is one of the most common ways to pay for rehab. Health insurance companies like United HealthcareAetna, and Blue Cross Blue Shield offer a wide variety of plans. The details of your coverage for addiction treatment depend on the type of plan you have. Most offer at least some form of coverage to those who need to pay for rehab.

There are a few ways to find out what your insurance company provides in terms of treatment coverage. You can call your insurance company’s customer service department directly and ask for the specifics of your policy. They’ll explain your options and can often find particular treatment centers within your coverage network.

You can also call individual treatment facilities and have their admissions department run your insurance. For example, if there is a particular drug rehab program you want to attend, their admissions department can find out about how much treatment will cost.

Affordable Health Care Act (ACA)

The Affordable Health Care Act, or Obamacare, declared drug and alcohol use disorder an essential health benefit. This means ACA-sponsored insurance policies have to consider addiction treatment as important as many other important medical conditions.

Insurance companies also cannot deny coverage to a person because of their drug or alcohol addiction. Individuals can apply for a policy without discrimination due to their struggles with addiction or alcoholism. This provides more people with the opportunity to pay for rehab with the help of adequate healthcare coverage.

Covering Costs with Private Pay

Drug and alcohol treatment facilities also allow clients to pay for rehab on a private pay basis. Private pay individuals cover the cost of treatment without insurance. Some people can pay for their program outright while others need to secure a loan or other private financing to cover the cost.

Certain programs offer scholarships or other grants to those who attend treatment as a private pay client. There are also programs that allow you to pay for your treatment with financing or payment plans upon completion of the program.

Using Insurance to Pay for Rehab

Non-Profit or Sliding Scale Facilities

Non-profit addiction treatment facilities offer low- or no-cost drug and alcohol rehab to people in need who cannot afford it. The Salvation Army is one of the biggest non-profit treatment providers available throughout the United States. They provide a treatment program and accommodations in exchange for taking on work at the organization.

The availability of non-profit programs depends on where you live. There are other smaller name programs that operate on donations and funding and request little in return for a set stay at the facility.

Another more affordable way to pay for rehab is a sliding scale facility. The cost of treatment shifts depending on an individual’s income and their specific need. Those who can afford to pay more for their program help provide affordable treatment to those who cannot pay as much.

Is Drug Rehab Worth the Cost?

If you worry about how to pay for drug rehab, you might wonder whether rehab is worth the price you pay. The cost of some facilities may cause you to hesitate or second-guess yourself when seeking treatment.

Is drug rehab worth the cost? Rehab gives people who have trapped themselves in a battle with drugs and alcohol another chance at life. It teaches people to step back from using substances to cope with the world around them. They learn to engage with life on life’s terms and reintegrate with important parts of their lives.

Drug rehab gives people their sanity back, their family and friends back, their employment and education back. It returns parents to their children and children to their parents. People find freedom from the way they thought life might always look.

Can you truly place a price on that?

If you want to learn more about how to pay for rehab, Peace Valley Recovery can help. We’re here to answer any questions you might have and get you set on the road to recovery. Reach out to one of our admissions counselors at (267) 489-1536 today!

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