At Peace Valley Recovery, we understand that individualized treatment plans are a cornerstone that helps build a strong foundation for recovery success. The path that brought you into addiction was not a cookie-cutter one. It didn’t match the path of every other person who became enmeshed in this struggle. Why should your path to recovery be forced into a cookie-cutter format?

The right addiction recovery treatment can make a big difference to people who need these services. Although there are many rehab centers in Pennsylvania many do not know where to turn to get the help they need.

Start Your Recovery at Peace Valley Recovery

How to Find a Rehab Program in New York
  • Therapy: group & individual therapy
  • Aftercare Plan: comprehensive individualized program
  • Insurance: most major insurances accepted
  • Housing: safe sober living environment

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We do not take a cookie-cutter approach when it comes to treating our clients. We take the time to get to know them and provide them with individualized treatment ways. That allows us to address their specific needs and goals for recovery.

Addiction Treatment and Therapy Near Philadelphia, PA

Types of Therapy Offered at Peace Valley Recovery

Individual – Mental health is often a factor for people with drug and alcohol addictions. Many suffer from co-occurring disorders, such as anxiety and depression. Individual therapy gives a professional the opportunity to diagnose and treat these conditions, which aids in the recovery process.

Group – Researchers have known for years about the benefits of group therapy. People do well when they can work with a group of their peers toward the same or similar goals.

Recreational – Recreational therapy has a lot of benefits. It can help to promote teamwork and it aids in the release of endorphins, which can help people feel better emotionally and physically.

Family – The family is a huge part of the recovering addict’s support system. So often, family relationships become strained, and this can add to the stress that person is feeling. Family therapy can help by assisting families in working through those issues and rebuilding those important connections.

Education – Education is a critical part of the recovery process. It helps people understand themselves more when they can understand addiction and everything that goes along with it.

Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment in Pennsylvania

Treatment Options Available at Peace Valley Recovery in PA

Getting help for an addiction means undergoing specific types of treatment as well as receiving therapy. At Peace Valley Recovery, we offer all of the following, depending on our clients’ individual needs.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Medication-assisted treatment, or MAT, refers to the use of medications to help with withdrawal symptoms, primarily. These medications can also be prescribed to help people remain in recovery and prevent them from overdosing on certain drugs.

In addition to medication, clients undergoing MAT will also receive counseling and behavioral therapy. This combination has been shown to successfully treat addictions.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a form of therapy that aims to address negative thinking patterns and how they impact behaviors. It has been shown to be very effective during addiction recovery.

Many people are completely unaware of their inaccurate thinking habits. But CBT can bring those patterns into light and clients learn how to gain more perspective into the situations they are facing. They learn how to respond to those situations in healthier ways.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, or EMDR for short, is a form of psychotherapy that was designed to treat the traumatic memories that accompany PTSD. The goal is to bring about a resolution and allow those memories to become just that. Memories.

For many people with addictions, trauma is a part of their reality. EMDR can help by changing how they respond to triggers and facilitating the correct filing of those memories in the past.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy uses certain tools – such as, postures, exercises and meditation techniques – to address the client’s mental, emotional and physical needs. Therapists work with clients to help them reach their goals.

Music Therapy

Music therapy is an evidence-based model of using music interventions to accomplish specific recovery goals. It can address the physical, cognitive, emotional and social needs of people during addiction treatment.

Types of treatment during music therapy could include creating music, singing songs, moving to music or simply listening to it. With a therapeutic context, people can learn better communication skills and much more.

Different Addiction Treatments and Therapies

Begin Your Recovery Journey at Peace Valley Recovery Near Philadelphia, PA Today

At Peace Valley Recovery, we understand the importance of the individual in treatment, which is why we work with you to create a plan that works for you. That might mean combining options like group, individual and recreational therapy in IOP sessions several times a week, or you might be ready to step down from a structured support system and follow up with twice-monthly individual therapy appointments somewhere. We believe that individualized treatment that takes your opinions and concerns into account is critical to long-term success with sobriety.

Don’t assume you know what treatment looks like because you’ve seen it portrayed on television or your friend told you about their time in a detox program. The truth is that each person’s addiction therapy program and recovery looks a little different. Call us today to begin talking about what treatment will look like for you.