The Best Drug and Alcohol Rehab Resources Near Bensalem, Pennsylvania

Authored by Nicole Colwell, | Medically Reviewed by Peace Valley Recovery Editorial Staff,
Last Updated: August 9, 2022

We are one of the best drug and alcohol rehab centers available in the Bensalem, Pennsylvania area. When drinking or drug use becomes unmanageable, it is time to seek help. We offer personalized treatment options near you.

Our addiction recovery programs help families in your area start their healing process. We provide a safe and peaceful environment with effective addiction treatment. We can do the same for you or your family member.

Accreditations show our commitment to providing the best care around you. Our accreditations include:

  • The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP)
  • The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF)
  • The Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP)

Drug and alcohol treatment is covered by most insurance companies. We can check your coverage when you contact us for more information.

Start Your Recovery at Peace Valley Recovery

How to Find a Rehab Program in New York
  • Therapy: group & individual therapy
  • Aftercare Plan: comprehensive individualized program
  • Insurance: most major insurances accepted
  • Housing: safe sober living environment

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Peace Valley Recovery

5230 York Rd., Doylestown, PA 18902

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What Types of Addiction Treatment Programs are Nearby?

There are several different levels of addiction treatment. There are many things to consider when deciding what level of care someone needs. Each person’s addiction is different, needing different treatment. It is best to talk to a professional to help with this decision.

Inpatient Treatment

Inpatient treatment is the most intense level of addiction rehab. Patients in this level of care live at the facility while they are in the program. This program lasts for 28 days. Many people will go from inpatient treatment to a slightly lower level of care. This could be a partial hospitalization program or intensive outpatient program.

Peace Valley Recovery does not offer inpatient treatment. The SAMHSA treatment locator tool online shows 5 inpatient programs. They are within 25 miles of Bensalem, Pennsylvania.

Partial Hospitalization Programs

This level of addiction treatment is also known as a day treatment program. It is the most involved type of outpatient treatment. It is an excellent choice for someone who wants a high level of therapy but wants to live at home.

Our Partial Hospitalization program meets five days each week. Each day is six hours of personalized treatment options to fit your recovery needs.

Intensive Outpatient Programs

An Intensive Outpatient Program is a flexible program. Patients can live at home while attending therapy sessions. This level of care is good for those who do not have a co-occurring disorder to work on. These programs meet several days a week, for several hours each time.

Our Intensive Outpatient Program meets 3 or 5 days each week. Program times are three hours long, available during the day or evening.

Sober Living Homes

Sober living homes are another option for some people. These are residential homes for people who are working on an addiction. This group of people is not ready to go back to their regular homes yet. They must still attend their therapy sessions while staying at the sober living home.

People are expected to help with household chores while staying there. They may be asked to help with expenses, or pay rent.

Drugs and alcohol are not allowed in the home. Each home may have additional rules that everyone must follow. This is to keep the home a safe place for continued recovery.

Are There Free Resources Near Me?

There are several peer support groups for people with drug and alcohol addictions. These support groups are not professional. There is no charge to join the group. They may take donations to cover expenses.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) began in 1935. It was started by two men who decided they drank too much. Now there are meetings worldwide. Including some near you in Bensalem, Pennsylvania, each week.

Alcoholics Anonymous is the original twelve-step group. The twelve steps are the guidelines members follow to stay sober. The only requirement to be a member is to want to stop drinking.

There is a spiritual part to the steps. Members do not need to be part of a specific religion to be part of the group. Many people who do not take part in religion have found help in Alcoholics Anonymous.

Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is another twelve-step peer support group. This group was started in Los Angeles during the 1950s. They also now have support groups across the globe.

NA members consider themselves a group of men and women who have battled drug addictions. Someone with an alcohol problem can also be part of this group. They consider alcohol to be a drug.

Again, Narcotics Anonymous is a peer-based group. There are no professional addiction counselors in charge of the meetings. There are many meetings nearby.

Al-Anon and Alateen

These support groups are a bit different. They are for the family members of the person who has an alcohol addiction. They do follow the twelve-step process.

Al-Anon meetings do not include the person who has a drinking problem. Members share coping strategies with each other. This is also a peer-based group. There are no professional leaders.

Alateen is specifically for teenagers affected by another person’s alcohol addiction. There are adult group leaders for Alateen meetings. This is for safety.

The adult group leaders must be part of Al-Anon. They go through a training course before leading a group. But, they are not professional counselors. If the adult group leader is not available, teens can join the Al-Anon meeting.

There are some Al-Anon and Alateen meetings near you.

SMART Recovery

SMART Recovery began in the United States in 1994. It is not a twelve-step group. SMART is an acronym that stands for Self-Management And Recovery Training.

SMART Recovery uses science-based tools to teach people how to change their behavior. They do not use the term addict. This group focuses on changing any kind of addictive behavior. It could be substance use or something like gambling.

There are a few SMART Recovery meetings in your area.

Getting Addiction Treatment at Peace Valley Recovery

Peace Valley Recovery offers targeted treatment plans and outpatient addiction recovery services for our clients. We are located in Doylestown, PA, which is just a 40-minute drive away from Bensalem.

Learn More About the Addiction Recovery Resources in the Bensalem Area

At Peace Valley Recovery, we want people to know that there is help available for them to recover. It can be so hard to struggle with a substance abuse problem, and quite often, people end up feeling all alone. Fortunately, there are many different types of assistance available in the local area.

Some people need the professional help that can only be found at a drug and alcohol rehab program. Others may do well with a peer support group or even other types of assistance. But people need to know what their options are.

Do you have questions about the drug and alcohol addiction recovery resources in the Bensalem area? Please contact us today.

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