Youth Drinking in Pennsylvania
Youth Drinking in Pennsylvania Authored by Chris Schumacher, | Medically Reviewed by Peace Valley Recovery Editorial Staff, [...]
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Peace Valley Recovery is located in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Our mission is to provide patient-centered care that focuses on healing and recovery from addiction. This blog provides information, news, and uplifting content to help people in their recovery journey.
You know what the commercials, billboards, and array of advertisements that bombard us in our daily lives about alcohol don’t tell us? That it’s dangerous, which makes sense because when you’re trying to sell a product, you don’t focus on the negatives – you only focus on the positives. The thing is – alcohol is more than just dangerous, it’s deadly. According to recent data from the U.S. Centers for Disease and Control Prevention(CDC), alcohol was responsible for 178,000 deaths in 2020! That translates to 488 deaths a day, a 29 percent increase from 2016. According to Axios, alcohol deaths are spiking in Pennsylvania as well, highlighting the need for alcohol rehab.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) found that a staggering 29.5 million adults were struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD) in 2022, which is a medical condition characterized by an impaired ability to stop or control alcohol misuse despite their best efforts to stop. It can range from mild to severe, and is caused by changes in the brain from alcohol abuse.
It’s no secret that long-term alcohol abuse will eventually be fatal – no one stays in active addiction and makes it out alive. Fortunately, resources are available to get help, and they work. Although the odds are stacked against you and relapse rates are high, adequate treatment options, like what Peace Valley Recovery offers, can help you overcome this hurdle and save your life. If you’re ready to seek help and you’ve been wondering – does insurance cover rehab for alcohol in Pennsylvania? You’re in the right place.
The prospect of seeking help might scare you more than addiction and giving up drinking. You’ve likely gone a day without drinking, and withdrawal was uncomfortable to say the least. Not only that, you might be concerned about leaving your job for a few weeks, what you’ll tell your family, or even how you’ll pay for it, but we’re here to tell you that none of that matters without your health. To answer your question – does insurance cover alcohol rehab – the answer is yes.
In 2010, The Affordable Care Act (ACA) passed and changed how insurance companies cover drug and alcohol rehab. They are required to cover at least some of the costs. Many have asked – does medicare pay for alcohol rehab? The answer is yes – this applies to Medicaid/Medicare, and private insurance. It requires minimum coverage for the following:
Your specific behavioral health benefits vary state by state and depend on the plan you choose. Pre-existing mental and behavioral health conditions are covered, and spending limits are NOT allowed. Marketplace plans cannot deny you coverage or charge you more because you have a pre-existing condition, such as an alcohol use disorder. Coverage for treatment of your pre-existing conditions begins the day of your coverage, and marketplace plans cannot put yearly or even lifetime limits on any essential health benefits like alcohol use disorder.
As was mentioned above, the Affordable Care Act requires insurance providers to cover treatment. However, these benefits will differ from state-to-state. Something covered in Pennsylvania may not be covered in California, for example. For that reason, it’s critical to review your benefits before seeking care. The following services should be covered by your health insurance include:
Additional services could be offered. However, again, will be dependent on your plan. These include the following:
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) states that successful recovery requires the continuum of care to ensure the individual receives support immediately as they seek help and long after they’ve started treatment. With Medicaid or Medicare, you have access to free or low-cost alcohol addiction treatment. This includes long-term residential and inpatient treatment, and even family counseling.
Unfortunately, not everyone has access to insurance. For those that do, not everything is going to be covered. If insurance deems a service not medically necessary despite it aiding in your recovery process, they will not cover it. Some of these services include the following:
Health insurance providers are not obligated to cover relapses either. If you do relapse, you will need to find alternative payment options. However, some plans will cover your alcohol rehab if you relapse. If you have a care manager that advocates on your behalf, it’ll help you get the coverage you need.
The first step that you can take to find insurance for alcohol rehab is to check your policy. Contact your insurance company and ask about the types of addiction treatment your policy covers. If you have a private insurance plan, it will have the most comprehensive coverage and cover what you need for alcohol rehab. The most common insurance companies that may cover rehab costs include Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Anthem, Cigna, Humana, United Healthcare, and more.
Unfortunately, despite the ACA making treatment accessible, there are still many that don’t have insurance coverage. It’s quite expensive to attend treatment without any coverage – but you still can.
Again, we understand this is a troubling period. Not only are you dealing with addiction and the problems that come with it, but now you’re trying to navigate the world of insurance and how to seek help. If you aren’t sure what your insurance policy covers for alcohol rehab, you have options. Please fill out our confidential insurance verification form, and one of our admission specialists will determine whether or not your coverage is eligible. They will reach out to you immediately and provide you your options for treatment.
As was mentioned above, you can also directly contact your insurance company to determine your eligibility. They will provide you with specific details about your policy. However, this can be a time consuming process, and with so much going on, we’re more than happy to contact them directly on your behalf.
Addiction is exhausting, and we know you are tired of being stuck in this rut. Whether you have insurance or not, we want to talk to you. It’s time to get the help you’ve been putting off. Remember, 488 people are dying each day because of alcohol abuse – don’t let yourself turn into a statistic. Give us a call for help today!
Youth Drinking in Pennsylvania Authored by Chris Schumacher, | Medically Reviewed by Peace Valley Recovery Editorial Staff, [...]
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